3 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Septic Tank

Septic systems are essential to everyday life. If you have a septic system on your property, you will need to service your septic tank. However, not all homeowners know how to clean and maintain their...

3 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Septic Tank

Jun 29

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Septic systems are essential to everyday life. If you have a septic system on your property, you will need to service your septic tank. However, not all homeowners know how to clean and maintain their septic system or its importance correctly. If you think your septic system is dirty or plugged and need advice on cleaning it, use a septic additive to help remove waste, call a professional at Metro Septic Pumping. We can perform septic tank pumping for you.

Why Do You Need To Clean Your Septic Tank?

When your septic tank is not properly cleaned and maintained, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These bacteria can cause illnesses such as dysentery, typhoid, and cholera, and these illnesses are hazardous and can be life-threatening if not treated immediately.

A clogged septic tank will eventually cause backups in your home, which could cause damage and possibly even force you out of your home. If you don't maintain your septic system correctly, you could run into some issues with the health department.

Use a Septic Additive

You can use a septic additive to help clean out your septic tank. It will help to break down material built up in your tank so that it can easily be flushed away with water. This additive can also help prevent future clogs in your system by breaking down material faster than normal.

Pay Attention To Your Water Usage

One of the most important things you can pay attention to is how much water you're using. If you're running an older toilet or shower head model, upgrading may be time. The EPA recommends replacing an older model toilet with more than 1.6 gallons per flush (GPF). If you have two toilets in the house, replace both with low-flow models.

Your family uses water every day, whether taking a shower or flushing the toilet. During the spring, you may find that your household's water usage goes up due to increased outdoor activities and more time spent outside the home with friends and family. Pay attention to how much water you're using to determine if it's a sign of an issue with your septic system or just part of everyday life changes in the spring. If there's no change in your family's activity level, but you notice higher water bills, call a professional plumber from Metro Septic Pumping to check out your septic system.

Proper Rinsing of Cleaning Supplies, Paint, Grease, or Chemical Products

You may think that rinsing off paint or grease will help flush it out of your system, but this is not true! Even dish soap can cause problems for a septic system because it contains detergents that break down fats and oils found in food waste which can clog pipes leading to backups or overflows.

Metro Septic Pumping

If not handled properly, some of these things can have adverse consequences on your drains, septic tank, and line. It shows that emptying your septic tank regularly is a must for the health of your entire property. Metro Septic Pumping is a professional septic company for your septic pumping needs.

Contact us today for septic tank assistance.

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