A Cracked Septic Tank Is Bad News

A cracked or failing septic tank can contain several undesirable things in and around your property. These include excessive weed growth, embarrassing odors, slow and failing drains, an inability to f...

A Cracked Septic Tank Is Bad News

Jun 29

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A cracked or failing septic tank can contain several undesirable things in and around your property. These include excessive weed growth, embarrassing odors, slow and failing drains, an inability to flush the toilet, and even adverse environmental effects. Here at Metro Septic Pumping, we comprehend what a perilous situation this can be for you. We also understand that many other companies do not know how to handle this problem properly.

We can take care of your septic needs quickly and with minimal disruption to your business or home life. Our technicians have the knowledge to handle issues that other companies would deem too complex or dangerous for them to handle correctly.

Septic tanks collect wastewater from homes and businesses. A septic tank is an underground holding tank that contains wastewater from toilets, showers, sinks, and washing machines. The septic tank allows the wastewater to settle and separate into solids (sludge) and liquids. The solids are broken down by naturally occurring bacteria in the soil or by pumping them out of the septic tank and putting them on your garden or lawn as fertilizer.

Saturated Ground

The ground around your septic tank is saturated with water. This means that it is likely that your septic tank is cracked or broken, and the drain field has become clogged. If this is the case, you will need to have a septic company come out and fix the problem. Allowing wastewater to flow directly into your yard can damage the surrounding soil and create unhealthy living conditions for you and your family.

When water enters the ground, it can spread quickly through cracks and fissures in the soil until it reaches groundwater sources. Once contaminated by human waste or other chemicals, groundwater becomes unusable as drinking water and can contaminate wells used for irrigation purposes.

Foul Odors

A cracked septic tank can allow gas bubbles to escape into the air, which causes a foul odor that will eventually spread throughout your home. This is especially true for homes with crawlspaces since these areas are typically located below ground level with less air circulation than above-ground levels such as basements or garages.

When gases escape from a cracked septic tank, they can be toxic if inhaled directly by humans or animals.

Slow Drains

A slow drain is one of the first signs of a cracked septic tank. If you notice that your drains are backing up or taking longer than normal to drain, it could be a sign that your septic system is failing. A cracked septic tank will cause the drain field to become blocked, leading to significant problems down the road.

Mildew In Showers or Sinks

It could indicate a cracked septic tank if you notice mildew growing on your shower curtain or in your sinks. Mildew growth indicates bacteria present in the groundwater around your home, and these bacteria have found their way into your plumbing system through cracks in your septic system. If left untreated, this bacteria can cause serious health issues for you and your family.

Excessive Weed Growth

If you notice that your yard has become overrun with weeds and grasses, this could indicate that your septic system is leaking into the ground around your home.

Moldy Smells

Another sign that there's something wrong with your septic system is when moldy smells come. This happens because the septic tank isn't draining properly, which means that wastewater isn't getting pumped out of it as fast as it should be.

Increased Water Usage Bills

Another early warning sign of a cracked septic tank is increased water usage bills. Suppose you suddenly start paying higher bills for water usage despite not changing anything else at home (like washing machine settings or showering habits). In that case, it's likely because of a cracked septic tank and its effect on how much water gets wasted after each flush or run-through.

Slow Toilets

Slow-running toilets are a common symptom of a cracked septic tank, and the slow water flow can cause the toilet bowl to fill and then overflow, leading to several problems. If you have this problem, it's best to call a plumber right away.

Metro Septic Pumping

Did you know that even a tiny crack in your septic tank can cause all this? How a cracked septic tank can lead to saturated ground, slow drains, and weeds growing out of control. If this happens, you could spend thousands of dollars on pumping and repair to avoid toxic waste in the groundwater. Contacting a septic company for septic tank pumping is far better, and Metro Septic Pumping has all the solutions you need.

Give us a call today for a site survey.

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