How Does An Aerobic Septic System Work?

Have you ever heard of an aerobic septic system? It's a type of septic system that treats the tank's effluent through the use of beneficial bacteria that can break down solid waste in aero...

How Does An Aerobic Septic System Work?

Nov 16

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How Does An Aerobic Septic System Work?

Have you ever heard of an aerobic septic system? It's a type of septic system that treats the tank's effluent through the use of beneficial bacteria that can break down solid waste in aerobic conditions. The bacteria that forms is called "Aerobic Bacteria," which promotes such conditions from the tank by physical, chemical, and biological forces. According to Metro Septic Pumping, there are four steps to this treatment process. A septic company specializes in this work and with septic tank pumping.

An aerobic septic system is a great way to dispose of sewage. It works so well because of its ability to treat the waste that goes into it before it gets pumped out onto the land. This means that when you have a problem with your system, you won't have to worry about getting sick from bacteria in your water or any other contaminants present in your waste disposal system.

How Easy Are Aerobic Septic Systems To Use

Aerobic Septic Systems are septic systems that use aerobic bacteria to treat wastewater. To understand how an aerobic septic system works, let's first look at the basic components involved in the treatment process.


The first step of any septic system is pretreatment. Pretreatment filters out large particles from your wastewater so that they don't clog up your tank or spray field lines. This can be done with screens, filters, or even sand filtration systems.

Aeration Chamber

After your waste has been pre-treated, it goes into an aeration chamber, mixed with air so that bacteria can break it down further. The more air in this chamber, the faster your waste will decompose. Some aerobic systems have multiple chambers so that more waste can be processed at once.


Aerobic septic systems disinfect all of the wastewater that passes through them. This is accomplished by regularly putting chlorine in the wastewater during each aeration cycle. Chlorine kills most pathogens (bacteria, viruses, etc.) that may be present in your wastewater. This prevents any harmful contaminants from entering local waterways or groundwater supplies where they could cause harm to people's health or their environment.

Final Treatment Disposal

After being treated with chlorine, the final effluent from your aerobic septic system is safe enough to be discharged into a pond or other water source without damaging it or causing harm to surround wildlife populations. You can also discharge it directly onto a recreational area as long as there's not too much rainfall right after you've done so because rainwater can wash away some of the treatment chemicals before they have time to be absorbed.

Why Do You Need An Aerobic Septic System?

Aerobic septic systems are used in areas with no access to the city sewer or on properties with little space for installing a conventional septic system. They are also used in areas with a high water table or flooding issues.

Maintenance Requirements

Aerobic septic systems require very little maintenance, but you should know what needs to be done to keep your septic system working properly. The main tasks include keeping up with your annual inspection and pumping service, maintaining proper levels of chlorine in the tank, keeping an eye on your spray field lines, checking for leaks around valves and pipes, and ensuring everything works properly when you hear an alarm go off.

Know How To Access

If you have an underground tank (the most common type), make sure that someone knows where it is located so they can open it up if needed. If there is more than one access point where dirt could be moved around without disturbing anything else, write down details for future reference.

Is the Alarm Working Properly?

An alarm is usually attached to the aerobic septic tank that will alert you when there is a problem with the system. The alarm should be tested every year before winter sets in. It may need replacing or testing if you have not heard it go off in several years. It's also a good idea to check your septic system equipment annually before winter begins so that everything works properly when temperatures drop below freezing.

Add Chlorine To the Tank

You must add chlorine to your tank regularly. Chlorine will help keep odor free as well as prevent any growth of bacteria in your tank, which could cause damage to your pipes and equipment if left unchecked.

Watch the Spray Fields

The spray field is where wastewater is sprayed across the surface area of an open field to expose it to air for aerobic digestion. The spray field should be located above the high water table, so that excess water does not collect on top of the soil surface and interfere with aeration (oxygen absorption).

Keep a Maintenance Record

Keeping records of your maintenance schedule will ensure that your home's septic system works properly for years to come. Many things can go wrong with an older system, but if you know when these things happen, you can call Metro Septic Pumping before any major problems occur!

Know When To Call Metro Septic Pumping

Aerobic septic systems are incredibly efficient. They use bacteria to make the wastewater in your septic tank cleaner and suitable for discharge into the ground. This bacterial action treats wastes, neutralizes acids, and prevents bad odors to come out through the drain field. If you have questions or concerns about how they work, contact Metro Septic Pumping immediately.

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