How To Disguise Your Septic Tank

So your septic tank is hiding out in the open, and you want to start a new landscaping project. Not exactly. The key to successful landscaping with a septic system is to blend in with everything e...

How To Disguise Your Septic Tank

Dec 06

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How To Disguise Your Septic Tank

So your septic tank is hiding out in the open, and you want to start a new landscaping project. Not exactly. The key to successful landscaping with a septic system is to blend in with everything else, making it seem like it didn't exist. Metro Septic Pumping has these tips to help hide your septic tank and keep your landscape thriving for years.

Tips for Hiding Your Septic Tank

Septic tanks are a necessary part of your septic system, but they're not exactly something you want to show off. If you're looking for ways to hide your septic tank, here are some tips:


Rocks are a great way to hide your septic tank. You should place rocks around the tank's area and then place dirt over them until they're completely covered. You can also use rocks as a border for your garden or flowerbeds, which will help camouflage your septic tank if you have one installed in an area where people walk by frequently.

Lid Covers

If you have an above-ground septic tank, consider purchasing a lid cover that will hide it from view while allowing easy access when necessary maintenance. These covers come in various shapes and sizes, so you can find one that fits your needs perfectly.

Wine Barrel

Wine barrels are a great way to conceal septic tanks because they're relatively lightweight and easy to move around. They also come in various sizes, so you can choose one that will fit perfectly into the area where you'd like it placed.

Lightweight Decoration

One of the most popular ways to hide a septic tank is with lightweight decorations on top of it. This could be a decorative rock or flower bed. The trick is to ensure that whatever you put on top of it is lightweight enough that it won't sink into the ground and cover up the top of your tank completely. You also want to make sure that any rocks or plants that you put on top won't block access to your drain field so that maintenance can be performed easily by Metro Septic Pumping.

What Not To Do

When building a new home or adding to an existing one, you must consider how you will hide your septic tank.

A septic tank can be a great addition to your property, but it must be hidden. Not only does this help maintain the aesthetic value of your home, but it also helps keep your tank in good working order for years to come.

While there are many options for hiding a septic tank, here are some things you should never do.


Mulch over the top of your tank is not recommended, as it will prevent oxygen from entering. The mulch must be removed from the top of the tank every five years and replaced with new mulch.


Don't plant trees near the tank. Trees will grow over time and cover the tank. Tree roots can also damage the tank if they extend too far into its walls.


Avoid planting grass around the tank as well. This will help prevent erosion and keep it from being visible from your yard or driveway.

Vegetable Garden

It's also important to refrain from planting vegetable gardens near your septic tank because plants like tomatoes can grow very large in just one season and may block views of your tank.

Metro Septic Pumping

The more imagination you put into the septic tank, the more creative you can be when finding a place to hide it. Ensure your hiding spot matches your overall landscaping, so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. Even though you are trying to hide a septic tank, there is no harm in making your tank attractive or even pretty, especially if it is going to be located in an area you can see often. After all, what good does hiding your septic do if you still have to look at it? Be sure to make the area accessible for septic tank pumping in Lilburn, GA. And do not hide it so well that accidents could happen, such as someone driving over it.

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