Plastic vs. Concrete Septic Tank

If you’re planning to go for a new septic tank, you may be stuck in a dilemma about whether to go for concrete or plastic septic tanks. Both have their benefits; hence, weighing your options and...

Plastic vs. Concrete Septic Tank

Aug 11

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If you’re planning to go for a new septic tank, you may be stuck in a dilemma about whether to go for concrete or plastic septic tanks. Both have their benefits; hence, weighing your options and deciding on the best alternative is important. Before looking at the differences between these two tank types, you must get an idea of what they are. If you have more questions, Metro Septic Pumping can help. With our significant experience, we can help you determine which is best for your septic tank installation.

Plastic Septic Tanks

If you’re looking for a septic tank, there are two main types to choose from: concrete and plastic. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand how they work and what you want from your septic system before deciding.

Easy To Install

Plastic septic tanks are easy to install, and they’re also chemical resistant. This makes them ideal for areas with high levels of acid rain or other chemicals in the soil. They don’t rust easily either, so you won’t have to worry about them rusting through after years of use.


Plastic is rust-proof, chemical resistant, and won’t crack easily. Plastic is chemically resistant and does not rust even when exposed to harsh chemicals such as salt water or chlorine.

Chemical Resistant

In addition to being rust-proof, plastic has better chemical resistance properties than concrete. This means that if you live near a septic tank that is pumping out wastewater containing high amounts of chlorine or bleach, then you will want a plastic tank instead of a concrete one because the chemicals will not be able to penetrate through the shell of the septic tank since it is made out of plastic and not concrete.

Don’t Crack Easily

A plastic septic tank will not crack under pressure like concrete tanks can. This means they are less likely to leak or break down over time, saving homeowners money on costly repairs. Plastic tanks also do not require special care or maintenance, unlike concrete tanks that need to be pressure-washed once every few years.


Plastic septic tanks are much less expensive than concrete tanks because they are made from plastic instead of concrete. This makes them affordable for most homeowners looking to install one as part of their home improvement project or remodel. The savings in material costs can be passed on to consumers who want to save money when building their homes.

Concrete Septic Tanks

Concrete septic tanks are made by pouring concrete into a mold and allowing it to cure. This process allows the tank to be custom-made for your home so that it fits properly within the foundation of your home.

Extremely Durable

Concrete is a durable material that can withstand high levels of affluence and pressure. It’s also fireproof and chemical resistant. The only downside to concrete is that it is heavy, which makes it hard to relocate or move around your property.

Can Handle High Levels of Affluent

Concrete septic tanks are a very durable and long-lasting option. They are made to last for decades and even centuries in some cases. This can help you save money on new tanks because they will last you much longer than plastic ones. They are also very sturdy, so they can handle the higher levels of affluent that you would find in many areas. This means they will not break down as easily as other types of septic tanks, which is especially important if your area has a lot of rainwater seeping into the ground.

Metro Septic Pumping

On the surface, it may appear that plastic and concrete are similar options. However, there’s a reason why concrete septic tanks are still widely used by many property owners across the United States. The durability and longevity of concrete draw many homeowners to this option for their septic tank installation. Using a concrete tank will save you money in the long run- especially if you plan on being in your home for years to come. Choose a reliable and knowledgeable septic tank company such as Metro Septic Pumping.

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