Preparing Your Septic Tank for the Summer

Your septic tank plays an important role in your household's daily life. The tank may consist of a concrete shell into which the liquid wastes are poured and stored until they can be treated at a ...

Preparing Your Septic Tank for the Summer

Aug 17

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Your septic tank plays an important role in your household's daily life. The tank may consist of a concrete shell into which the liquid wastes are poured and stored until they can be treated at a sewage plant or be spread as fertilizer on farmlands. Or it may simply be a hole in the ground with pipes leading to and from it. Metro Septic Pumping is a professional septic company available to help you through the transition to summer.

Schedule a Septic Tank Pumping

Pumping once a year should be enough for most septic tanks, but you may have to pump your tank more than once each year. If you live in a cold climate, where there are long periods of downtime for your tank, you should have it pumped every six months. Cold weather will cause the solids inside your system to harden and slow settling, so more frequent pumping is required. The key to a properly functioning septic system is the septic tank. To maintain a healthy tank and prevent problems, perform this routine maintenance during the summer months.

Check All Pipe Connections and Junctions

Check all pipe connections and junctions before the start of the summer season. Look for cracks, leaks, or loose fittings that may cause problems down the road. You should also clean out any blockages that may have formed in your pipes over time. If you notice any problems with your system, contact a plumber to get it fixed right away.

Check the Soil Drain Field

One of the most important steps you can take to ensure that your septic tank will last through the summer is to make sure it has been cleaned out recently. A professional cleaning will remove any sludge or debris that has built up inside your tank, ensuring that it will work properly when needed. If you have never had your septic tank cleaned before, consider having this done before summer begins so that it will be ready for use come warm weather.

Check the Condition of Your Tank and Lid

Make sure there are no cracks or holes in either component that could allow wastewater to leak out. Also, ensure that nothing has happened to damage either component over time. For example, suppose you have an older tank with a fiberglass lid. In that case, it may have cracked over time due to exposure to sunlight or other environmental factors such as insects or animals climbing onto it and damaging it. If this happens, it's important to replace the lid immediately so that wastewater doesn't leak out and contaminate nearby groundwater sources or pollute nearby streams or rivers during heavy rainfalls.

Prevention and Inspection Catches Concerns Early

There are many factors in the disposal systems of your home that you should regularly monitor to prevent any problems from occurring and to take advantage of any system upgrades. You can start by keeping your septic tank pumping schedule with Metro Septic Pumping. A septic system is a great tool for disposing of waste and unwanted materials, but it can only work if you regularly clean it. Regular cleaning also allows you to catch any necessary septic tank repair quickly.

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