Signs You're Abusing Your Home Septic System

Septic systems are a vital part of everyday life. It runs just about everything from flushing out the old toilet paper to taking care of the lawn. However, this means that precautions need to be t...

Signs You're Abusing Your Home Septic System

Dec 14

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Signs You're Abusing Your Home Septic System

Septic systems are a vital part of everyday life. It runs just about everything from flushing out the old toilet paper to taking care of the lawn. However, this means that precautions need to be taken to keep things running the way they should. When these precautions aren't taken, it can lead to unpleasant and costly consequences. Have you kept up with your septic tank pumping? If not, that is a good place to start with our septic company, Metro Septic Pumping.

Septic systems are important parts of your home. They help keep your family healthy and safe by removing waste from home and disposing of it in an environmentally friendly way.

For a septic system to work properly, it needs to be maintained regularly and used properly. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to use their septic system properly, or they abuse it in some way.

Flush Things Down the Toilet That Shouldn’t Be Flushed

The most common way people overload their septic systems is by flushing things down the toilet that shouldn’t be flushed. This includes wipes, pads, condoms, other sanitary products, and diapers. Other items that should never be flushed include medications or chemicals of any kind (to avoid contamination), grease or fats of any kind (to avoid clogging), hair or stringy materials (which can wrap around pumps), cigarette butts (which contain filters that may clog up pipes) and food waste (which can attract rodents).

Loading Too Much Weight on the Septic System’s Physical Components

When you overload your septic tank or drain field, it will collapse under its own weight. This can cause major damage to your home and its foundation. Overloading also puts unnecessary strain on the components of your septic system, which can lead to premature failure.

Overwhelming the Garbage Disposal - Overuse and Inappropriate Use

Garbage disposals are wonderful tools that allow us to keep our homes clean while eliminating food scraps and other organic materials that would otherwise decompose in our trash cans or garbage bins — but they have limitations. If you use yours improperly or too often (particularly with items that don’t belong in them), this may result in problems for your plumbing system and your septic system.

Using Too Much Water for Your Septic System

Many homeowners don’t realize that using too much water in their homes can cause problems with their septic systems. If you have a large family or host frequent parties and gatherings, you might need to install a larger tank than recommended for your home’s size. Otherwise, this could overload the tank, causing it to overflow into the ground around it, resulting in environmental damage and foul odors from your yard.

Failing to Maintain Your Septic System

Proper maintenance is key to keeping your septic system strong and healthy. If you don't maintain your system, it won't work properly — and when something goes wrong with a septic system, you may have no choice but to call in a professional to clean it and repair it. This can be very expensive, especially if there is damage to your pipes or drain fields. The cost of cleaning out an entire drain field runs into thousands of dollars.

Metro Septic Pumping

Unmaintained septic systems are dangerous, as they can become a breeding ground for bacteria, disease-causing parasites, and toxins. Overloading a system or not taking care of it could also lead to unwanted expenses in the form of repairs. The best way to avoid this is to identify warning signs of problems and act quickly. The faster you act, the easier and cheaper it will be to fix. Metro Septic Pumping is just one call away!

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