What Constitutes as a Septic Tank Emergency?

Backed-up sewers, concentrated nitrates, and pooling in the drain fields are not normal. You don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night by a septic alarm or have to call a reliable septi...

What Constitutes as a Septic Tank Emergency?

Jun 29

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Backed-up sewers, concentrated nitrates, and pooling in the drain fields are not normal. You don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night by a septic alarm or have to call a reliable septic company to pump out your sewer on a Friday afternoon when they're closed. Metro Septic can help you with any septic tank pumping issue you may have.

A backed-up wastewater system is a septic tank and drainfield that have been overwhelmed with odors and unsanitary inflow. Causes vary; however, the result is the same- a lot of stinky, murky water in your basement, yard, or property. Most homeowners don't think about their septic tank and drainfield until they smell an unusual odor or see pooling water in low-lying areas around their home.

At Metro Septic Pumping, we are here to help when you have septic tank problems. If your septic system fails, you may have a septic tank emergency. There are warning signs that let homeowners know it is time to call us for assistance.

Sewer Backup

The most obvious sign of an emergency is when your sewer backs up. This means that the water and waste can no longer flow down through the pipes and into the septic system. A backed-up sewer means there is a clog somewhere in the line.

Another sign that you need our services immediately is if you notice sewage on your property. Perhaps you see a small pool of water or even large amounts of sewage bubbling up from underground. Any unusual septic issue requires immediate attention from our team at Metro Septic Pumping.

Last but certainly not least, you may notice foul odors in or around your home or yard. This is usually a sign your septic system has failed and needs service right away to prevent further damage to your property.

Pooling In Your Drainfield

If you notice that large pools of water are appearing in your drainfield area, this could indicate something wrong with your tank. First, there could be too much water in the tank, causing the pooling outside your home. Or, if you have a clog somewhere within the system, this can also cause pooling in your drainfield area. Any pooling should be addressed as soon as possible by Metro Septic Pumping.

Septic Alarm

If your alarm goes off, it's time to take action. When your septic tank alarm is ringing, it's time to call a professional septic company in Marietta, GA for assistance. Your septic system may be backing up into your home, or the tank may be complete and will not accept waste. Metro Septic Pumping can empty your tank and keep it from overflowing into your yard and house.

Concentrated Nitrate

If you've been using products like Drano or similar drain cleaning chemicals in your system, they may have caused a buildup of concentrated nitrates in your septic tank. If this happens, the bacteria in your tank will start to break down and die off. That means that waste won't be broken down properly, leading to backups and other problems in your plumbing system. You'll need to get Metro Septic Pumping out right away before the situation worsens.

Metro Septic Pumping For Your Septic Emergency

A backed-up sewer, pooling in your drain field, and septic alarm can be a nasty surprise. Seeking a quick solution from a plumbing contractor? Call Metro Septic Pumping!

If you don't know what's causing the trouble, we do. Our expert technicians are licensed, certified, and guaranteed. We'll arrive on time for all appointments and work diligently until the job is complete. We have many years of experience, and we'll fix the problem right the first time!

Call today to receive a free quote or to schedule an appointment.

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