Why is Grease Trap Cleaning Important?

A grease trap is a device in which grease, cooking oils, and other oily wastes are collected to prevent them from entering the wastewater drainage system. Fats are separated from the wastewater stream...

Why is Grease Trap Cleaning Important?

Aug 04

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A grease trap is a device in which grease, cooking oils, and other oily wastes are collected to prevent them from entering the wastewater drainage system. Fats are separated from the wastewater stream that enters the house using a strainer basket. The wastes then settle to the bottom of the tank and coagulate with other organic matter in the tank itself. Because grease traps collect a sedimentary layer of organic waste, they will get clogged over time. The longer between cleanings, the more difficult cleaning becomes, and eventually, a drain clog resembling something close to cement may even form. Metro Septic Pumping can help with septic tank-related needs such as septic tank pumping and septic tank repair.

Grease Trap Cleaning

The grease trap is a vital part of your restaurant's plumbing system. The trap collects the grease and other liquids dumped into it by your kitchen plumbing. This system can cause disastrous consequences for your restaurant when it becomes clogged. A blocked grease trap can cause severe damage to your kitchen drain lines and even cause a fire.

Grease traps must be cleaned regularly to prevent them from becoming clogged. If you do not maintain your grease traps properly, you may spend thousands of dollars in damages and repairs down the road.

Grease Trap Cleaning is the process of removing solidified fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from the inside of a grease trap. FOG can create a foul smell which is bad for business. If not removed regularly, FOG can harden and clog the drain line, creating a backup in your kitchen sink and potentially flooding your basement if it backs up into the main sewer line.

Foul Smell

Grease traps are designed to catch food particles and other solid matter before they enter the sewer system. As the waste collects in the grease trap, it begins to decompose. This process produces odors that can permeate throughout your building or into your neighborhood if there are no windows or ventilation systems in place. Not only is this unpleasant for customers, but it can also cause a health hazard for employees working near the grease trap.

The Longer Between Cleanings, the More Difficult Cleaning Becomes

If you don't properly clean out your grease trap, residues will build up over time and eventually block the drain pipe or even damage the walls of the grease trap system itself. The longer between cleanings, the more difficult it becomes to clean out all of this buildup because it tends to harden over time and form into large clumps that are very difficult to remove using normal means.

Buildup Can Damage the Walls of the Grease Trap System

Grease traps are built with walls made of plastic or metal that are supposed to hold back any buildup inside the system. But these walls can be damaged if they are not cleaned regularly, and if they get too dirty or clogged, they will not work as well and may even collapse under pressure.

Buildup Can Block the Drainage System

Grease traps usually have a grate at the bottom that allows liquids to flow out of the trap while collecting solid waste inside. If this grate is blocked by grease buildup, the liquid will not be able to escape, and it could lead to many problems for your business.

Winter and Grease

In winter, when restaurants have less activity, grease traps cause problems due to lack of use. This causes them to become clogged with old food particles and grease that was missed during previous cleanings. If you don't maintain your grease trap properly during these times, it could become problematic when spring rolls around again.

Metro Septic Pumping

The longer you wait, the foul smell becomes unpleasant, and the buildup becomes harder and more expensive to remove. Grease trap cleaning is essential to ensuring your building can function properly, and the best way to prevent problems is through routine maintenance and grease trap cleaning with Metro Septic Pumping.

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