Why is My Toilet Bubbling?

If your toilet is bubbling, many factors could be the cause. Clogs and backups can cause this condition in your toilet. However, don't worry. We will review some potential causes and solutions, bu...

Why is My Toilet Bubbling?

Jun 29

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If your toilet is bubbling, many factors could be the cause. Clogs and backups can cause this condition in your toilet. However, don't worry. We will review some potential causes and solutions, but most often, it is vital to call a professional septic company such as Metro Septic Pumping.


Your toilet is an excellent place for household germs to live, which is why you should never flush used tissues or other personal items down the toilet. However, if your toilet begins bubbling and overflowing, you may be dealing with a clog.

A clog is probably caused by something that has been flushed down the toilet, such as a sanitary napkin or paper towel. If this happens regularly, it's time to call the professionals at Metro Septic Pumping! We will send one of our highly trained technicians out to clear your pipes and prevent future clogs from happening.


If your toilet is overflowing and messing in your bathroom, this could be due to an obstruction along with your drainage system. A backup can happen when leaves or other debris get stuck in the pipe or if there is a crack in the pipe itself. The best way to fix this problem is by calling Metro Septic Pumping because we have all the tools needed to unclog any type of pipe!

Negative Air In the Pipes

When you flush your toilet, the air gets pushed through the pipes. If there is the negative air pressure in the pipes, it will create bubbles that come up in your toilet. This happens when there are leaks or cracks in your plumbing system.

Clogged Vent Pipes

A clogged vent pipe is another possible cause of bubbling toilets. The vent pipe brings fresh air into the house and removes any foul odors from sewage systems or drains. When it becomes clogged with debris, this can cause bubbles to appear in your toilet bowl.

A Faulty Cistern

If you have a faulty cistern, then it may be causing bubbles to form in your toilet bowl. A cistern is like a storage tank for water supplied to the toilet by gravity feed instead of being pumped directly into the bowl from below, as most modern toilets do. The cistern can become faulty due to wear and tear from use.


If you have tried plunging your toilet, but it still bubbles after flushing, there may be an issue with your cistern or pipe connections. That's why it is recommended that you call professionals such as Metro Septic Pumping for assistance!

Sewer Snake

If there is a blockage, you'll need to use a professional sewer snake service to clear it. Some people try using chemicals like bleach or vinegar instead of a professional plumber because they want to save money; however, this could cost more than simply calling an expert from Metro Septic Pumping who knows how to remove blockages from pipes quickly and effectively.

Check the Vent Snake

If you've determined that your toilet is bubbling because of problems with the fill valve, you need to check for obstructions in the vent snake that runs from your sewer line up through your home's roof. This snake connects directly to your water supply line and allows air into your plumbing system so that water doesn't back up into your home or onto your floor when you flush a toilet. If there's an obstruction in this vent, it will restrict the flow of air into your system, causing excess pressure inside the toilet tank, which leads to bubbles forming.

Call The Professionals From Metro Septic Pumping

Metro Septic Pumping is a professional septic company offering septic tank pumping and other septic services to meet your wastewater needs.

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