Working From Home–The Impact On Septic Tanks

You are working from home. It's a great idea, but it does have its drawbacks. If you're using your home to do business, you'll soon notice something. When you work from home, you use more ...

Working From Home–The Impact On Septic Tanks

Jun 29

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You are working from home. It's a great idea, but it does have its drawbacks. If you're using your home to do business, you'll soon notice something. When you work from home, you use more water, and you may even need to utilize a septic system for a second time. Turning your house into a small business — not only have you added a whole new cost to your running costs, but if one of the workers gets sick in the office, then there's nowhere for them to go and be sick.

That's where we come in! We will remove any or all the wastewater so you can remain working at home with no worries!

You don't have to move out of your house because you're worried about increasing bills. You don't need to hire anyone and prepare yourself for an annual salary too — just use Metro Septic Pumping specialists as we offer affordable septic tank pumping services that have all the potential of saving your money and trouble!

More Water Usage

The chances are excellent that you have always dreamed of working from home. Who doesn't want to spend their days in pajamas, working in the comfort of their own home? Who wouldn't like to avoid the commute and the stress of getting ready and dressed for work each morning?

Now that many people are doing just that, it is essential to look at the likely impact on your septic tank. When you are working from home rather than in an office, you will probably use more water, which will mean more water going into your septic tank.

You can help your septic system by reducing your water usage where possible. For example:

  • Avoid doing laundry every day, and don't use the dryer set too high
  • Make sure that all toilets flush as efficiently as possible. If any are slow or leak, get them fixed
  • Keep an eye out for other leaks around the bathroom and repair them quickly

More Septic Usage

With the increasing number of people working from home, septic usage increases. Many people are using the kitchen sink more and flushing more toilet paper. The additional usage can strain the septic system and cause it to back up into your home.

So, how do you know if your septic tank needs to be pumped? If you notice that your drains are draining slower or that there's water backing up into your home, it's time to call in a professional.

Be more aware of the increased need for septic pumping due to the increased usage.

Greater Chances of Something Going Wrong

With increased usage comes the need to ensure that your septic tank is emptier regularly. Your septic system works by letting bacteria digest the waste and storing it in the tank until it can be emptied. The more waste you put into the system, the quicker it fills up and needs emptying. If this does not happen, you will end up with blockages in your pipes, leading to a sewage leak and a potentially unhealthy environment in your house.

Regular Septic Pumping

Fewer workers traveling to offices results in the need for more water and septic usage at home. As a result, Metro Septic Pumping is now offering septic pumping twice a month to ensure your septic tank remains healthy and does not overflow.

Our septic company is happy to come out and service your septic tank so you can work comfortably at home.

Contact us today to schedule septic pumping services.

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