Best Dishwasher Detergents for Your Septic Tank System?

If you have just moved into a home with a septic system installation or just had a septic system installation complete, then you are probably being a responsible homeowner and researching ways to main...

Best Dishwasher Detergents for Your Septic Tank System?

Jun 29

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If you have just moved into a home with a septic system installation or just had a septic system installation complete, then you are probably being a responsible homeowner and researching ways to maintain and take care of the system. Your first step should be to find a reliable and accessible septic company in your area. Many residents and homeowners in metro Atlanta and surrounding areas choose Metro Septic Pumping for their competitive pricing, quick response times, and quality work. Save the number or feel free to call if you have any specific questions or concerns.

Proper Care for Your Septic System

Metro Septic Pumping is a professional septic company with services ranging from septic tank inspections and septic pumping to septic repairs and even new installations. However, proper care for your septic system is just as important, if not more important, than maintenance. After all, prevention is the best medicine. So, being mindful of what goes into your septic system is crucial in preventing damage. Just as you would with a conventional sewer system, you should not flush hard objects down your toilet and you should refrain from tossing food scraps into the kitchen sink. The septic system is even more sensitive than a centralized sewer system though and we will tell you why.

About the Septic Tank

A septic system is an onsite sewage treatment facility, meaning the whole system is in your property. Waste travels out of your home and into the septic tank where it is temporarily stored. The waste is broken down into three layers: solid waste at the bottom, liquid effluent in the middle, and scum floating at the top. While the liquid effluent travels through a T-shaped outlet into the drain field where it percolates through the soil for treatment, the solid waste and scum remain in the septic tank. However, there is also vital bacteria and microbes in the septic tank that break down the solid waste into dense sludge, saving crucial space in the septic tank. Eventually, this waste must be pumped out.

Why Choosing A Dishwasher Detergent Matters

As we mentioned earlier, there are vital bacteria and microbes housed in the septic tank that play an enormous role in your septic system’s functionality. As you know, there are many detergents that are marketed for their “anti-bacterial” properties and these are bad, bad news for septic systems. The “anti-bacterial” detergents cannot differentiate between “bad” bacteria and the “good” bacteria in your septic tank. Therefore, the detergent will kill off the bacteria that works to break down solid waste. Without enough bacteria, solid waste will build up faster, resulting in more frequent septic pumping needs and the risk of backups and damaged drain fields.

Worried? Call The Professionals
Have you been using anti-bacterial detergent for a while now? Call the professionals at Metro Septic Pumping for an inspection or septic tank cleaning. We offer services to restore and revitalize “good bacteria” levels. Our friendly representatives are available to take your call today.

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